
a bowl contains 100 coloured balls:28 green, 20 red ,12 yellow, 10 blue, 20 brown ,and 10 orange .if you are blind folded and as you pick the balls ,then the minimum number of balls you must pick in order to guarantee that you have picked at least 15 of same colour is......???????????? plzzz reply with explanation(as fast as possible)...........i will surely approve......

a bowl contains 100 coloured balls:28 green, 20 red ,12 yellow, 10 blue, 20 brown ,and 10 orange .if you are blind folded and as you pick the balls ,then the minimum number of balls you must pick in order to guarantee that you have picked at least 15 of same colour is......????????????  plzzz reply with explanation(as fast as possible)...........i will surely approve......

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Amitabh Shrivastava
32 Points
13 years ago

The answer is simple take the worst possible case. the man piks up all the balls which do not have 15 of same colour so the man piks up 12 yellow,10 orange,10 blue balls now to further delay the man piks up one green then one red then one  brown until he has 15 of green balls ie he piks up 15 green 14 red and 14 brown balls. thus the total no of trials is 12+10+10+14+14+15=75 trials

I understand that this a bit confusing so feel free to contact for any queries.

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